Tag: VOY

Our “Workforce” Problem

Janeway in "Workforce"

  I wonder sometimes if we’re anywhere close to warp drive or First Contact. Or even to going to Mars, for that matter. It seems like there’s so much more we could be doing to explore space. While watching Voyager’s…

The Seska Problem: Pregnancy as Manipulation

Seska and her baby

  Let’s face it, Star Trek can have really bad luck with women. Whether it’s being seduced by salt-sucking shapeshifters or being so damned suave that an intergalactic peace offering bonds to you, the moment our illustrious men get rose-colored glasses…

Episode 60: Barclay’s Psyche


Lieutenant Reginald Barclay stands out among recurring Star Trek characters as someone who experiences a range of mental health issues. In this episode, we discuss those issues and how they’re received by his crewmates on TNG and Voyager. Download now (right-click and…

The Introduction of Kes

Kes appears in four seasons, 70 episodes, of Star Trek: Voyager. She wears 19 different outfits. I’ve ranked them. And her opening outfit from “Caretaker” is number 19 – the bottom of the list. Kes is introduced as a hostage.…

The Thaw’s Fatal Flaw

  You probably remember it as “the clown episode.” Set near the end of Voyager’s second season, “The Thaw” features a classic Delta Quadrant scenario: Janeway & Co. stumble upon people in need, try to help them, and end up…

“Equinox” and Janeway’s Passion

Captain Kirk: The charismatic alpha-male. Picard: The unflappable intellectual (unless someone says there are five lights). Sisko: Likes to punch immortal beings. Archer: Just hoping his next warp will be the warp home. Janeway: The… Mother? Really? Is that all…